John 6:63 The Spirit gives life the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life.
The excitement during our worship, praise and thanksgiving would not produce life if the contents of the songs aren’t delivered in words that are consistent with the New Testament of Christ. No matter the shouting, without the Spirit, it’s empty shout. The Spirit makes the difference.
When you speak the right words, the Spirit acts upon them. For example, it’s the reason we can speak from where we are and say to someone who’s thousands of miles away, “Be healed,” and a blind person in China will receive his sight, or someone in faraway Mongolia who’s been crippled from birth starts walking.
Such things happen because of the power of the Spirit in our words. Words recognize no seasons or barriers. Words are things; they’re tangible and potent with creative energy. So, don’t say, “Well, I wasn’t serious when I said it”; in the realm of the spirit, everything you say is living and active. It’ll work for you or against you. That’s the reason we emphasize speaking the Word only; speaking truth.
The Bible says, “For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned” (Matthew 12:37). Don’t use words carelessly. Know, think, talk and sing the Word—whether in merrymaking or in praise to God! Let your life be consistent with God’s truths, and you’d be amazed at the resultant blessings in your life
Dear Father, I thank you for giving me your Word to live by. I utter words that are consistent with your will, plans and purposes continually, knowing that my words are filled with power to produce results for your glory. I deal and speak wisely always; my words inspire faith in others, for healings, salvation and blessings, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Reference: Rhapsody of Realities June 7th 2022
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